Sweet Dreams: Top Tips for catching those zzzz’s….

World Sleep Day is coming up on the18th March 2016 so the focus will be on quality sleep and getting the right amount of it. Are you getting enough shut eye?
“I’m so tired I haven't slept a wink, I’m so tired my mind is on the blink”  sang the Beatles.
But, good sleep is an absolute necessity for our health and wellbeing and it’s not the luxury we often believe it is. Many years of research has defined that for most of us, eight hours of sleep is the optimum for proper daily functioning, sanity, health and well being. However, recent research* tells us that most British people only get five to six hours a night!
Falling asleep on the train, tube, plane, at your desk, or even in front of the TV is a modern day phenomenon, and if you can’t get your eight hours at night, then try ‘cat napping’ deeply and properly as Winston Churchill used to do, by blocking out the light entirely with a sleep mask on the train, tube or plane if you commute long distances.
Insomnia caused by stress, poor diet, too much late night working on the computer and phone, affects the Circadian rhythms, but can all be alleviated with simple steps. So if struggling to sleep is effecting your life innovative new Occles Travel Eyewear has devised some simple steps to follow:
10 Tips to get more sleep from Occles Travel Eyewear:
1.     Promote sleep with a calm, tidy bedroom and never work in the bedroom, keep it cool, as this optimises the release of sleepy hormone, melatonin at around 16º-18ºC
2.     Darkness helps, so try installing blinds to block the light or more simply use comfortable eye protectors like Occles Travel Eyewear the ultimate in sleep masks, a sensible investment as 20% of light reaches the eyes through closed eyelids and if you have too much light coming in from the street you won’t get a decent deep sleep!
3.     Those with tired overworked eyes, shift workers, migraine, dry eye and hay fever sufferers and those tormented by light pollution whatever time of day or night will find Occles Travel Eyewear ideal
4.     Try wearing earplugs too, if you are being woken by noises
5.     Get into a good routine, go to bed at around the same time each evening, about eight hours before you need to get up but not too early, rise at the same time to help promote your natural rhythms
6.     Relax on the train, tube or plane on your way home by wearing your Occles Travel Eyewear sleep mask to block out the light entirely, meditate, focus on the present and let go of your thoughts. Ladies wearing make-up or false eyelashes needn’t worry as the make up won’t get smudged at all whilst on route to work, home or holiday destination, as Occles doesn’t touch the eye itself
7.     Switch off the phone and computer at least two hours before bed, the screen of the computer is designed to be bright so this may keep you up by fooling your body into thinking you need to stay up! Try an app like f.lux  free software which makes the colour of your computer screen resemble the current time of day, and helps your body recognise that bedtime is drawing near
8.     Find the perfect bed and pillow for you and replace the mattress after about eight to ten years
9.     Try exercising earlier during the evening, as exercising too late may wake you up preventing sleep
10.  Drift off to music, Occles HQ love to relax and drift off to sleep with Ian Haywood a British musician who writes very relaxing piano music like Nocturn in D
Finally when you’re all set to go on holiday don’t forget to take Occles Travel Eyewear with you, providing total blackout, as well as protection for the eyes from light, harmful UV rays and sunlight. Occles enables complete rest on the beach or by the pool too, as the eyes are totally protected.
The 21st century cutting edge light, durable design focuses on blocking out the light relaxing the eyes totally and enabling the wearer to meditate or sleep in the most difficult and uncomfortable situations. The perfect comfortable sleep-mask is strong and bridge-less so you won’t get tan lines and are very comfortable to wear for long haul flights and travel on planes, trains, tubes, at spa’s as well as on the beach.

Adjustable fitting for a range of head sizes, and available in a variety of colours.
Occles are £22.00 SSP online from: occles.co