22 lessons every 22 year old girl has learn't

I was always told that some of my most challenging years would be in my early 20's. A time of upheaval and God forbid 'growing up' when the thrills of university become more of a distant memory by the hour. Your heart will get broken in two, probably multiple times. You will fall in love, you will almost fall in love and you will fall out of love. You will start to question your identity and even sometimes your sanity, but you will pick up a few life lessons on the way.

 1. Don't feel guilty about enjoying your life 

2. People will try and drag you down 

3. But there are people who will also bring you back up 

4. The people you thought would never leave, leave 

5. And the people you never expected to stay, stay 

6. It's how you deal with those people that determines your strength 

7. Heart break sucks 

8. But it doesn't last forever 

10. You must allow yourself to be loved again 

11. A cup of tea really does sooth the soul 

12. Work will be hard 

13. Being 22 in work will be hard 

14. If you want something, work for it 

15. But don't be afraid to ask too 

16. Loyalty doesn't always mean career stability 

17. So don't be afraid to leave 

18. Your friends are your team 

19. Cherish the laughs of today 

20. But also reminisce and celebrate the happy memories of yesterday 

21. There are times when laying in bed in your jammies is all you want to do 

22. But don't get caught in a rut, dreams are made to be strived for